Monday, June 20, 2011

We All Deserve...

Happiness. Two days ago, I watched two of my friends get married. I don't know if I've ever seen two people happier than they were. I watched them smile the entire night. It's human nature to look at two people like that and believe that you deserve the same thing. Last week, I was having a conversation with my mom about friendships and relationships. She was telling me about when she and my dad first started dating...he asked her what she wanted and she said, "I want it all." And he gave her everything. And by everything, I don't mean material things. He was always (and has always) been there for her and given her his time and his love. She told me that in any relationship I have and in any friendships I have (because I think the same things that are required in a relationship are required in a friendship) that I deserve to have the other person give me everything. That I deserve to be happy. And she's right...but who am I kidding, my mom is always right. I deserve to have what my two friends have, what my parents have...happiness. That's what it all boils down to...being happy. I know that when I find myself in situations where I'm not happy (whether it be an unequal friendship or even a crappy job) that I have to get out...I have to realize it's not good for me and it's not what I deserve.
I wanted to put these thoughts into words because I know I'll be more likely to believe them. Everyone deserves if you're not getting it...step back, figure out why, and change it.

Just a short list of things that I turn to when I need a little happiness:
Family (they double as dad impersonator...EVER)
Music (my go to songs right now...Andy Grammar "Keep Your Head Up" and Jessie J "Price Tag")
Exercise (I know what you're thinking...UGH! But as someone who is finally getting back into the swing of running, a good run is the best way for me to get a clear head...and a clear head, is a happy head!) 
Russell Brand (his British accent and crazy hair get me every time)
Pictures (takes me back to truly happy moments)
Friends (it's amazing what an hour of talking and few a drinks can do)

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