Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I See The Light...

At the end of the tunnel, that is. Next Friday will be my last day at Wyandotte High School. I'm relieved and sad. Relieved that the stress and exhaustion will subside (at least until January)...sad because it's really started to feel like home. I let all of the teacher's in my community know how much I appreciated their kindness and support. I feel like I've become part of a family...even if I am just a student teacher. I told them that if there was an opening for a teaching position at Wyandotte High School in the Health Community, I would take question. That says a lot of the type of teachers they are.

On a less serious note...I had some of the typical crazy teacher moments last week. Last Monday, during third block, not only did I have wasp flying around the room (imagine screaming 14 and 15 year old girls) but someone decided to drop a stink bomb in the sink. My mentor and I affectionately call the ninth graders "little stinkers" when they give me hard time...that name has so much more meaning after this incident : )
The very next day...I walk out of the house with two different shoes on...and I had no idea until I got out of my car and walked into the building. Two TOTALLY different shoes...and all I could do was laugh. Every time I look at the picture I can't help but smile.

I also had my second evaluation on earlier this week. Much better than last time. I changed everything she told me to and I put on the bells whistles...she had nothing bad to report. Needless to say I'll have an A for student teaching...YAY!

Now I just have to get through Mitosis and Meiosis by next Friday and I'm golden!

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