Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dear Photograph...

So if you haven't had the chance to visit the website Dear it!

The whole purpose of this post is to distract myself from being incredibly stressed about classes and nervous about my screening interview in DeSoto on Tuesday...eek!

Anyways..if you visited the website, you get the general idea. So the other day I started looking through my family's old photo albums. I've decided to start my own Dear Photograph art project with family photos. I think of it as Post Secret...but better! I also decided I'd use it to change the tone of this blog for the time being...while I'm on break from student teaching until January.

So here's the first one!

Dear Photograph,
The swing set might gone and the hammock stored
in the basement. The deck has new stain on it, and
the scattered toys are gone...but that backyard still
has some great memories!

There will be many more more to come throughout the holidays!
Now on to that cover letter : /

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